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Comments From Suggested Supporting Material And My Own

Blog And Readings: Service

Week 9: Mr Jonathan Tygh from Intellidesign

Importance of a design brief The road map of the design process from conceptual design to the final product. The design brief is...

Week 8: Design Direction

Interactive concepts that was inclusive for young and old participants Including the vision impaired. Ideas with the current facilities...

Week 6: Types of health and Fitness enthusiasts

Not all athletes, or users in general, have the same needs. Due to social implications How people use or rely on technology. New...

Week 5: UXD

Health tech product needed three main functions: Tracking Performance: Tracking performance includes fitness data, calculate correct and...

Week 4: Digital Health Care

User-product interactions - Sports & health industry. Multitude of 'smart' wearables socks gloves watches vests. Important factors that...

Week 3: Reading 7

The ModBox Information Guide Values ModBox is underpinned by five core values: Safety Continuous learning Fair play Inclusiveness...

Week 3: Reading 4

Technological foundations and current status of a modified, low-risk form of competitive boxing In this blog we are analysing the...

Week 3: Reading 5

Long-Term Development and Use of Automated Scoring Technology in a Sport Technological/automatic scoring is rare in the sporting scene...

Week 3: Aesthetics of Interactions

Key Factors for Fun Interactions Playful Piano Stairs to make it more enticing instead of the escalator Elevator Rocket Noise which plays...

Week 2: Reading 3

Iterative Design of Impact-Damping Gloves for Safer Boxing Methods and Testing Results from boxing gloves will help stipulate that it...

Week 2: Reading 1

‘The Boxing Conundrum' Is there a place for a new variant of the sport?’ This blog considers the more imperative issues and perspectives...

Week 2: Interactive Design Principles

Human computer reaction Interfaces In ID 6 as used in HCI: relatable to people’s everyday experiences with technologies Interaction a...

Week 1: Reading 2

Two Types of Boxing Gloves Serious Risks Traumatic brain injury is higher in professional levels of boxing 11% of amateur boxers still...

Week 1: Introduction Into Arduinos

This week we learned specifics Power and Ground Pins are situated under IOREF and above A0 Analogue Pins are labelled A0-A5 The digital...

Week 1: Reading 6

Factors Underpinning at Least Three Years of Participant Adherence to a Community-Focused Modified Boxing Program Box’Tag, catering for...

Week 1: Introduction

This blog post, goes through the initial lecture and specifics of the report we are undertaking. Specifically the initial interview we...

Blog And Readings: Blog2

©2019 By Max Drury - N9739882

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