Technological foundations and current status of a modified, low-risk form of competitive boxing
In this blog we are analysing the transition from training to competitive involvement within the boxing community. Specifically relating to the basis of injuries from the involvement.
This is why the development of a new form of boxing is a necessary. Minimising this field of damage.
Rules of Box’Tag
Prohibit impacts to the head
Redefining the target zone
Upper arms
Instrumented vest
Sensor fabric - surface a nylon base which delegate areas of contact
Conductive glove patches
Two different types
Rubberised silicon strips - Retain conductivity for two years, but the process of connecting the strips was time consuming and could come of the gloves. Experimentation with 90 mm rubberised strip to increase reliability and time efficient.
silver-coated thread - Durability is increased
It reads electrical resistance data which helps determine set criteria to registration for valid impacts.
The current iteration nullify the effect of potential gradual changes in vest condition.
Accuracy of scoring
90% of all impacts appeared be valid
The shoulder target areas were 1/3 of the missed scores.
Bluetooth transmission was the final source of error
Uptake of Box’Tag
Hundreds of contests
Three rounds of 1 –2 min - 1 min intervals
Diverse age
Socio-economic background
Cultural heritage
Usually people don't consider participation from injury
quarter have been female
Safety of Box’Tag
Rewards light - rapid punching
Injury rates are very low - Head impact occasionally occur.
Most common injury has been forearm bruising from a clash or arms.
There is a deduction of points for moderate level of force.
Physical intensity of Box’Tag
Very physically demanding.
subjective ratings
Perceived exertion in the range between hard and maximal Cost of technology
The original design were difficult to manufacture, so it was more costly.
Lessening the overall complexity of the design achieved a cost reduction but reduces the amount of information it can take in. The overall reliability of the product has increased thus.
The overall participatory has shown the need for further augmentation or invention of new designs to further the program and increase the safety protocol. the product must assist with general community specifically with there generally needs as this is a key of interest to increased participation. The equipment and system needs to be able to assist users who are exerting hard-maximum physical demand.